The calendar pages have flipped through very quickly this year and our little guy is nearly one. God continues to bless our growing family and He daily reminds me of just how good He truly is. The way He has kept his right hand just so gently upon us, keeping harm away is remarkable. We have a roof over our heads, food on our plates, clothes to keep us warm and plenty of love to be thankful for. We have each other to encourage and lean on, when days are rough. Somehow, when I am weak, those are the times when I am closest to our Savior. He knows just what I need at just the right time. He knows me in the deepest possible way and continues to love me, through and through. Not to mention, the most wonderful gift He has given Nate and I....

How is it that Griffin now knows how to wave when we say hello, goodbye, and night night? When I say up, his hand goes up and when I say down, his hand goes down! As I read his favorite books, I tell him to turn the page and guess what?! He turns the page! He is walking on his own two feet and he never hesitates to go straight for Lola's food and water!

He gives great wet kisses, and snuggles when he's sleepy. When he wants more food, he puts his hands in fists and grunts impatiently. Grif's vocabulary consists of, "dada", "mama", "nana", and "yaaaaa". Clapping and laughing, dancing and screaming, our little sugar is simply perfect. There is nothing more nor less to ask for. He is healthy in every possible way and we need to remember to never, ever take that for granted. Daily, we need to take advantage of this life that was given to us. No matter how tired and drained I am from all the busyness and chaos this world brings, I am beyond blessed. Our family knows the Truth and  that is what brings us joy. 

Now, if only I could live these words out. 

That's the hard part.