This beautiful creature named Griffin changed our lives forever on 
June 18th, 2010. He brightens our day whether laughing or crying. We rejoice in knowing that God has blessed us with this tiny human being. It is now our duty to care for him to the best of our ability. I try so hard to give him at least 100 kisses a day and I tell him I love him just about every five minutes. When I wake up, I need to hug him. Every night when I put him to sleep I make sure to tell him this: 
Daddy loves you, Mommy loves you and Jesus loves you. 
Goodness, I cannot imagine our little lives without this little boy. Griffin has made this bond between Nate and I so strong. We are in this together. We have the privilege of creating this thing called family. Life is not easy. Far from that actually. I am not here to make my life look spectacular or whimsical. It is the life God has blessed us with. I am learning daily how to serve Him, my husband, Griffin and every single person I come into contact with. I go through days where I just want to stay in bed and not answer to anyone. There are also days where I could climb a mountain and shout to the whole world how lucky I am. My life is filled with grace. SO much that I do not deserve. We are healthy; we have a roof over our heads and food on the table; clothes for our body and people with a lot of love to give. Oh, this life is full of blessings. I could go on and on and on....